
Dear Diary 23/01


Wow! How awkward did #CBB get after the whole letters from home task? Sheesh! I know it's a controversial standpoint but I am Team Speidi, if for no other reason than they seem to be lacking in fans. I like them in the same way you may like Malificent or Jafar.. They play a good villain and even back on the Hills when I was firmly Team LC I always had a soft spot for Heidi and Spencer. She is definitely in his shadow and without him would be an all round nicer person but celebs like Speidi aren't famous for being nice and nobody wants them to be. If it wasn't for them what on earth would have been going on in the house? Nothing. It might have been the dullest line up of people they could have thrown together. I think Ryan has the best measure of them on the show.. They're playing the game, they're playing characters and that's what they've been paid to do.

Who do I want to win? Well.. Not Speidi (lol) I like them but they're not likeable and it doesn't really mean anything to them. I believe there is an eviction tonight but I'm gonna go out in a limb and say they will be in it til the end but there's no way they'll win. Claire has a good chance after a massive boost of sympathy with the whole letter thing and Razor is a great personality so they're my top picks. I know Rylan was favourite when he went in but the way he's gone off at the much hated couple I don't think has painted him in a very good light either. I get that he was annoyed but he went way over the top and it definitely affected my opinion of him. Claire and Frankie understand the concept of rising above the negativity and "taking the high road" but the others scream and shout and Rylan behaves like a complete child.

Did I expect to write an entire post on big brother? No, but after tweeting my support for the Americans and receiving nothing but shock and disgust I'm wondering who your favourites are and whether you think Speidi are really as terribly as they appear..

Miss BB

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