
Dear Diary 06/01


I'm currently watching Jeremy Piven on Jonathan Ross and very excited about Mr Selfridge which starts on ITV tonight. Anyone else looking forward to that? I don't love period dramas and have never seen an episode of the ever popular Downton Abbey but this looks interesting! In other news Lee has just popped out for my last hurrah pizza before I officially start my weight watching tomorrow.. Oh Luciannos, how I will miss your thin crust and paprika laced fries. If you're lucky he'll be back before I finish this post and you can drool over a picture of my last meal as I'm eating it.. Oh wouldn't you just love that?

I've been blogging up a storm this afternoon and managed to squeeze in a video this morning so I'm ahead of the game for my first Monday back to normal service. I figured I'd be slower than normal so could do with the head start. I finally filmed the "what's in my shower tag" that's been requested for months, my main issue was that I don't really take showers and my bath side is a little dinger than I care to share but I recently invested in some stick on wire baskets to organise my lotions and potions so it seemed like a good time. I love watching those videos so I hope you enjoy mine, it will be up tomorrow.


Another thing to look forward to tomorrow is my Asda delivery.. What? You're not looking forward to that? Pfft! I filled my basket with all kinds of goodies which will hopefully keep me on the WW straight and narrow - if you see anything on there that sounds too delicious it's probably for Lee or Ella, *sigh*. No but in all seriousness I live the first day of healthy eating, I feel immediately better and especially after gobbling up this entire pizza tonight (well I can't exactly leave myself leftovers for tomorrow now can I?) I will appreciate the lighter stuff that much more. Is Antiques Roadshow still on TV 'cause I swear I can hear my elderly neighbours watching it.. Surely not. Anyway, on that bombshell I'll sign off for today, I really do think I could just type forever but how interesting is my stream if consciousness? Oooh Lee just got home!!! Will show you my yummy pizza in a sec but one last thing I think I've failed to mention thus far.. Celebrity Big Brother. I'm watching it for the first time in maybe 7 years and I'm hooked, Paula whatserchops mistaking Toadie from Neighbours for a crew member had me giggling for days!! So expect more on that! But now..



Actually.. That reminds me of one of the BEST YouTube videos.. I'll warn you now that if this is the first time you're watching MyHarto you could be in for a long night!

Miss BB

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