
06/02 - Peace & Pampering


After a hectic day at work I couldn't wait to get home for a little peace and pampering.. And so this entry is entitled as such! As I write I am wearing this beautiful face mask (clearasil wash and mask) and wearing my comfiest loungewear while catching up on my Simpsons Tapped Out townies. I that subject.. Have now completed every level they have available.. What's that all about? Luckily there are tasks and such within the game I am yet to complete and there is the promise of more content but I must be a heavier player than I thought!

So annoying! I usually write my diary posts on my ipad but today I used my iPhone.. Upon publishing I lost the rest of the post *sigh* .. I will continue..

I ordered an ipad case online which matched my phone case but they oversold and are now out of stock *sob-* and all the others just aren't as nice and they're twice as expensive. I love the chevron design but its not widely available here in the uk.. Fingers crossed retailers pick up this trend soon! Do any of you have any suggestions/recommendations as to where I could purchase such a case? Lee bought me a magnetic front cover but I want to protect the back too.. Ideas on a postcard please!

Lee has just informed me he's making tea (yay) so I'll sign off for the day and go give him a hand.. Until tomorrow!

Miss BB

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